Mission Statement


Erika Grey believes that the area of Bible Prophecy news is not taken seriously because so many sites out there fail in the area of geopolitical analysis. 

After Erika Grey's exposure to the Conspiracy theories that proliferate in Evangelical circles, which relate them to Bible Prophecy, Erika decided to undertake her own research to find if we were in fact in the end times. Upon finding her discoveries that we were in fact in the last days, Erika's vision became to create a credible and respected Bible Prophecy news site that provided a high standard of concise analysis of the news in light of Bible Prophecy and sound exposition of the prophetic forecasts.   

Erika discovered a lack of professional standards in the area of Bible Prophecy analysis and www.erikagrey.com set a high standard and offers teachings from both a Biblical and geopolitical view.                                             

From this platform:

Erika's Mission Is To Warn and Inform in Jesus's name.