Book Briefs & Questions

One Sentence Book Summaries or Erika Grey's books

The Antichrist of Revelation: 666  A thorough work about the Antichrist and his reign during the Tribulation, with details not written by any other prophecy expert.

Free From Captivity: Biblical Secrets to Overcoming Addiction provides a guidebook for the addict and an overview of addictive substances, Biblical illustrations and the path to healing, in addition the book provides an herbal directory and examples from Erika’s own life with an unexpected shocking ending. The Addiction Cure: A Biblical Path to Beat Addiction is the previous book under another title and cover.

The Wind Cries Mary: Murders That Shook A Power Town details the 1969 murder of Mary Mount and the Rice family murders by John Rice,  which occurred literally down the road from Erika and impacted her childhood.

The Alphabet Bears: Spook Tales  A children’s series and adult satire on the US Alphabet Agencies and their missions

Decoding 666 The Number of the Beast The Magi Report-Vol..1 Provides An Analysis of Bible Prophecy & Technology and is a Status Report & Forecast 

Whore of Babylon in Bible Prophecy: A Book of Revelation Mystery Revealed proves that Rome is the seat of city spoken of in the Revelation and the Vatican the temple predicted in Zechariah 5 and many more historical details the prove the identity of the Whore of Babylon. 

Suggested QUESTIONS for Erika Grey interviews

The Seat of the Antichrist: Bible Prophecy and
 the European Union

1.      Most people have a sense we are near the end of the age. Do you agree?
2.      You say that you are tired of conspiracy theories from the past. Why do these seem to proliferate in Christendom?
3.      Why do you believe it will be a geopolitical system that will usher in the final world order?
4.      You say the European Union is evolving into a crushing superpower. How so?
5.      Why do you think historical events appear to be happening at a rapid speed unknown in previous generations?
6.      When do you believe the Tribulation actually begins? What events occur first?
7.      What leads you to believe God protects followers of Christ from the Great Tribulation?
8.      You say the European Union’s teachings provide a blueprint for global rule. Can you explain?
9.      We hear a lot about globalization and the one-world government movement. Do you see ushering in the antichrist?
10.   As we’ve discovered in recent years the world’s economy is intertwined. How will economics play a role in the days ahead?
11.   To what extent is the currency of Europe – the Euro – part of the building of a European empire?
12.   You say the antichrist will be in a federation with ten “kings.” What does this mean today?
13.   What does the signing of a peace treaty with Israel have to do with the Great Tribulation?
14.   Where do you see the United States and Canada in end time events?
15.   What does the technology race between the nations mean and how might technology be used to control economical or political growth in the future?
16.   Do you believe financial experts will soon begin campaigning for a cashless society?
17.   What do you say about the impending decline of the U.S. Do you think this is happening now?
18.   Where do you see radical Islam and the role it plays in the end times?
19.   What do you mean by “Israel’s Covenant of Death?”
20.   At the end of your book you discuss some of the headlines we should be watching for. What are some of these?

You say that you are tired of conspiracy theories from the past. Why do these seem to proliferate in Christendom?

You say the European Union is evolving into a crushing superpower. How so?

Why do you think historical events appear to be happening at a rapid speed unknown in previous generations?

When do you believe the Tribulation actually begins? What events occur first?

What leads you to believe God protects followers of Christ from the Great Tribulation?

You say the European Union’s policys are based on a  blueprint for global rule. Can you explain?

We hear a lot about globalization and the one-world government movement. The EU is never mentioned as part of that movement yet in your book you say they take the lead, how is this? 

To what extent is the currency of Europe – the Euro – part of the building of a European empire?

You say the Antichrist will be in a federation with ten “kings.” How does this relate to a 28 Nation European Union?

What does the signing of a peace treaty with Israel have to do with the Great Tribulation? And where does the EU fit in?

Where do you see the United States  during the Tribulation?

What do you say about the impending decline of the U.S. Do you think this is happening now?

Where do you see radical Islam and the role it plays in the end times?

At the end of your book you discuss some of the headlines we should be watching for. What are some of these?

How will we know the Antichrist, what are some of the details the Bible gives us about him that are often overlooked?

You say that the New World Order is past tense and we are in the age of empires, how does the EU fit in and how does this line with Bible Prophecy?

What are some of the most overlooked facts US citizens fail to know about the EU and how does this fit in with Bible Prophecy?

Why do students of prophecy need to know about European Federalism?

   Your book is based on a events predicted in the book Revelation can you provide a brief overview of what the book predicts?

     Your book Decoding 666 The Number of the Beast spends a good deal of time on what you call the most mysterious and frightening riddle in the book of Revelation, can you recite the verse for our audience.

   Can you tell us briefly in this verse who is this man the Bible refers to as 666 and why is he referred to as the Beast?

 What technologies in your book do you say fit the mark of the Beast prediction?

    Can you tell us what details the Bible predicts of the Antichrist’s police state?

    In your book you said that technology was predicted in the book of Daniel as aiding the Antichrist in his police state, can you explain?

   You say that you have other evidence besides technology proving that we are close to the start of the beginning of the Revelation prophecy, what evidence have you found?

    Why does the Antichrist have a number for a name and what is the as you say in your book, “frightening significance of being numbered in the Bible”?

   You talk about Counting the number of the beast and compare Biblical cubits to Quantum computing Q-bits, can you point out the striking similarities?

1 There is speculation in evangelical circles that the mark of the beast is going to be a DNA change and you say it is not likely, why?

  You talk about the parallel universe revealed in the Revelation and books of the prophets, and you say that demons are in the idols, how does this play into Quantum Computers?

1 In your book you say that the Antichrist though the current technologies will have the capabilities to mimic the Trinity of the Bible, how will he through technology mimic God the father, the son and the Holy Spirit?

1 In teaching Bible Prophecy you say that all the pieces must fit, how will a leader of world empire go from discovering the technology to implementing it through his empire what are the inner workings that will lead to everyone taking the mark as the Bible predicts that currently exist.?

   In your book can you describe the parallel world that is described in the Bible and how it connects with our physical world can you briefly give details of this other dimension.

   What is a fractal in mathematics and what is the fractal pattern found in the Revelation? Can you explain.

    Erika Grey Author Pages